What is a Yoni Egg or a Jade Egg?

What is a Yoni Egg or a Jade Egg?Yoni_Egg_Journeys

A Yoni Egg or Jade Egg is a stone in a shape of an egg used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve the physical and spiritual health of a woman.
It is carved from semi-precious gems that have the shape of the egg. Our stones are carefully chosen to ensure their hardness and non-porosity. The most popular materials are black obsidian, pink quarter and nephrite jade (the origin of the name Jade Egg). They are not limited to this type of crystals. Some of the other stones used are amethyst, carnelian, jasper, agate, clear, and bloodstone.

Yoni in Sanskrit (language of ancient India) literally means sacred temple and is used to designate the vaggina and the reproductive organ of the woman. Yoni is the symbol of the goddess Shakti, the female power generator.

Yoni's egg is a tool that helps tone the lower abdomen and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic and urogenital diaphragms. When these muscles are strong, they prevent the escape of our life force and sensual energy and help us keep it under control.

We do not always think of the Yoni as it is: a muscle. But it is, and that's good news! This means that we can take this essential part of ourselves and improve our health, as we would with other parts of the body.

And, in fact, we can make it stronger, improve its shape and fitness. This is sometimes seen in yoga, sometimes popularized in things like Kegel exercise; and if you have a gynecological or intimate therapist, he may suggest other exercises and tools. As part of your trip, we are pleased to offer you the powerful and positive Yoni Egg, one of the oldest and most incredible ways to improve your fitness.

Yoni eggs, sometimes called "love eggs" because of some of their uses, or "jade eggs" because of one of their most common materials, are made from all kinds of significant stones and semi-precious and are part of Asian culture decades. Technically, these are specially sculpted Yoni weights, smoothed and secured for insertion. It is traditionally said that their well-known physical responses include not only an improvement of the inner muscles, but also increased moisture and lubrication, and, of course, a greater, better and stronger response to the arts of love.

The process of carving a Yoni Egg, particularly one of quality, is a skilled and age-old art. Historical records indicate that they have been used for over 5,000 years. It’s well known that those most versed in the arts of Taoist and Chinese medicine, the household of the Royal Palace, used and practiced with Yoni Eggs—from Empresses to concubines to lesser nobles. Yoni eggs were famed for their ability to create sensual passion, increase the potency of any individual and her partner, and were (and still are) widely documented as offering spectacular longterm health into and through even the elder years.

And this is just a part of what you’ll learn and experience on your path. Your Yoni Egg journey is absolutely limitless. It can, and will, go to all manner of places which help you find happiness, joy, and inner peace. There are so many techniques which enhance and increase your potential. You owe it to yourself to unleash and unlock every bit of your personal feminine power!

For a long time, only members of royalty and those who thoroughly studied non-Western medicine were aware of Yoni's eggs. But now, we bring you the most beautiful love eggs in the world and, with them, a journey into self-discovery and happiness. If you care about your strength and your function (vagginal) Yonic, you will find the incredible Yoni eggs. It is rare for health professionals to actually provide you with the type of assistance and tools that an egg can provide for Yoni and pelvic revitalization.

There are almost limitless possibilities in front of you. It’s a powerful tool, not just for physical health or your sensual vigor (although it’s incredible for both) – the Yoni Egg is also a way to open up and give power to your inner womanhood. You deserve a better intimate life, better innermost interactions, and a total and wholistic spiritual transformation of your beautiful inner and outer spirit!

And remember, your Yoni Egg Journey is completely unique to you. Every Yoni Egg journey is different and every experience is different. But one thing remains the same. You are opening new doors of living and perception. You’re at the magnificent start of an incredible voyage with a focus on the most important thing: yourself.


With this simple, powerful and carefully crafted ancient tool, you are building a better and more complete understanding of your whole self - including your sensual experience of sacredness, without shame and with jubilation. Yoni's egg is not just a powerful gemstone inserted into the Yoni. It is also a journey that will bring happiness and comfort to your body. You can have a stronger system both indoors and outdoors, with a stronger foundation that will last you a lifetime and that will provide you with the affirmation of your health.

And during this life, you should feel ecstatic happiness as often as possible. The sensual expression is only one aspect of Yoni's egg.
Yes! You can have stronger zest, stronger omazms, stronger sensations!  once you have started incorporating the Yoni Egg into your overall well-being. 

Your Yoni Egg Journey is only just beginning!

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