You and Your Yoni Egg

You and Your Yoni EggYoni_Egg_Journeys

People hear about Yoni eggs in different ways. Sometimes it comes from an article or article on Youtube. Sometimes people realize that stars, celebrities and people they admire use them. Some come from spiritual paths in search of new forms of abundance, others care about their health. Many people discover Yoni's eggs as they seek ways to improve their sex life, their romantic world, their o-gasmic and sensual potential, and their joy. Most of the time, people hear about Yoni or jade eggs, find out everything they have done for so many people and decide to try them. Often an egg will come with instructions and some suggestions. But we would like to talk about something really important, really useful, and rarely interested in detail: Yoni's eggs are not a destination, they are a fun, joyous, exuberant and uplifting journey.


Journey with a Yoni Eggs

There is more. Yoni's eggs are not just one trip; they are countless trips and each one is like a holiday, a breath of fresh air, an indulgence, an improvement of your life and your happiness. Because Yoni Eggs brings together the possibilities and potential of an incredibly rich and fulfilling universe of ecstatic positive growth.

Modern life is incredibly full of stress, anxiety and bad types of stimulation. If you want to embark on a journey of expansion of life and your health, it is important that you have tools from various sources, because the world faces us in many difficult situations.

It is quite possible that the modern world is more complicated than any other moment in human history. It is useful to have modern techniques to cope with it. But it is also incredibly useful to rediscover important parts of our human heritage, ancient knowledge whose powers are still largely unexploited.

Now, the basic and fundamental practice of Yoni Egg - housing the Yoni egg in your Yoni for a while - is quite simple and universal. Carefully crafted stones (and remember, always get good quality Yoni eggs, not mass-produced ones - you can not afford scratches or bumps on your Yoni!) Will resonate also with your body and mind as having direct physical effects of pleasure, accomplishment and practical value to strengthen your pelvic floor. If you take a little time for your Yoni egg, the positive effects will remain present throughout the day, and will increase over time. But this trip can also be built and completed by many different paths.

Breathing with yoni egg

Your breath and Yoni's egg

The breath can stifle you, it's the beating and the very essence of life. ATP is converted into ADP into a physical process that is said to have a soothing, calming and relaxing effect.

Have you ever noticed how you breathe when you feel relaxed? The next time you're relaxed, take a moment to notice the sensation of your body. Or think about how you breathe when you wake up for the first time in the morning or just before going to bed. And yes, consider your breath while you are in a moment of physical ecstasy. You can improve almost any activity just with the physical effects of breathing, and that's before you discover how breathing affects your chi and the flow of energy in your body.

Breathing exercises can help you relax, as they allow your body to feel like when you are already relaxed. It's amazing how much more they can do once you start using them in combination with your Yoni Egg Journey!

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to reduce stress in the body. Indeed, when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Events that occur when you're stressed, such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and high blood pressure, decrease when you take a deep breath to relax.

There are many paths based on breathing. We will explore them significantly over time. There are many spiritual and physical practices ranging from Zen meditation to yoga to martial arts, all of which exploit both internal energy and chemically proven effects of intentional changes in breathing. Over time, you will be able to develop everything from physical techniques of taking longer and deeper breaths to Buddha breathing and dragon breathing.

And all of these things can start with a simple step. Try adding this to your day - maybe right after your first bread break every day. Once a day, take a long, slow breath. Hold it. Now, let him out. Pretty.

You will find that something as small as this daily breath centers you, improves your spine and your mind, helps your calm and concentration. And you can start experimenting with its use during your Yoni Egg practice; another step of your journey.

Take this simple and free wisdom, use it in any aspect of your life and enjoy! It's all part of a multi-faceted exploration, and it's our gift to transmit knowledge.

(All we ask is that you pass on the knowledge to others when the time comes.)

As you may already know - or you can learn soon! "There are many different breathing techniques, from the most basic to the most advanced, and everyone is part of our journey.

Your intimacy and Yoni egg

Your intimacy and Yoni's egg

Yoni's eggs are sacred tools of se-x-uality, able to help you permeate your life and relationships with a deeper and more powerful meaning.

When you engage in the practice of Yoni eggs, you enter a place of mindfulness. And it's not an easy task. Whole books are written on how to find the ability to drop your day and be in the present, how to give your center directly to your relationship when you choose and not be distracted when you want to focus.

Yoni's egg is a physical manifestation of the desire for intimacy, and this desire itself is the first step in achieving that goal. By engaging in your Yoni Egg practice, you will find that her regular, meditative, and happy feelings also deepen your own ability to look in your heart, to have both strength and compassion, and to project yourself inwardly - listen to well.

There are many Yoni eggs whose gem qualities, which resonate with your own body, have been known for millennia for their ability to help you focus, think, concentrate and grow. And you can choose the eggs to choose from - and you will discover that they help almost every other aspect of your approach to love and relationships.

Your trust and your strength, and your Yoni egg

Your trust and your strength, and your Yoni egg

Biologically, we make a lot of decisions about people around us in the first 30 seconds after their visit. Some people think that means it looks like someone from a magazine to be seen and appreciated. But this is not true. Our brain collects so much data about how a person walks, stands, acts, which is not part of "conventional attractiveness", but rather the strength of your inner core, your inner beauty: your confidence and your strength. .

Yoni eggs are designed for their personal satisfaction and pleasure, but they do a lot more. First, before you start looking at anything else, it's very important to remember that the o-gasm itself is really good for stress relief (it's not an urban myth!). In addition, for those who are pre-o-gasmic or have o-gasmic difficulties, using the Yoni Egg can help you adopt at your own pace and feel at ease. Our society often suggests that those who always have an easy or fast o-gasm are somehow "best" lovers. This is totally false, and although Yoni Eggs can help to improve these two areas, being able to engage in a sacred senctual practice that does not require a climax to provide physical and spiritual satisfaction can be a immense relief!

It is always important to keep in mind Yoni's wide variety of eggs and the many properties of the precious crystals that make them up. But all help you to come into contact with your inner fire. Have you ever seen someone who almost seems to radiate self-confidence, power and happiness? This is part of what can happen when you embark on a journey of Yoni Egg.

This part of the trip can be accompanied by all kinds of outside assistance. Although your Yoni egg often has to be experienced in a meditation area, you can also use it multiple times, even for everyday tasks. Imagine peace and happiness radiating directly from your Yoni, up and down your body, with a wave of concentration and increased ability to capture data and knowledge. Combine this with the book you've always wanted to read, whether it's a personal help room or the Book of Five Rings. Or even an inspiring conversation on TED! The Yoni egg helps you to be more receptive to positive messages and understanding.

We recommend experimenting - if you are new, first familiarize yourself with your Yoni practice! As Pete Townshend said, "There are a million paths." Do not be afraid to choose something "wrong". If it works for YOU, then it's a good way!

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